
The commercial business kept us busy last week

A tune-up is a maintenance service that checks your heating and cooling equipment to make sure that it is working in proper condition and running efficiently and reliably.

During the preventative maintenance service, a skilled and knowledgeable technician will inspect and clean all of the parts of your heating and air conditioning system. I work for a Buffalo HVAC company that provides this service to our residential and Commercial clients. Last week we had more than a dozen calls from our commercial clients. They kept us very busy last week. It seems that a lot of people were calling for an HVAC tune-up at the same time. I blame the outdoor temperatures. About a week ago, we had three days in a row where temperatures were over 90°. We rarely have temperatures that high in Buffalo, so I think that must have triggered some of our customers to think about the AC system. We provide a full inspection that includes all of the mechanical and electrical parts of the system. We clean and service the entire system all for one low price. The full service HVAC tune-up is a great deal to take advantage of whether you are a residential customer in a home or an apartment or one of our commercial customers with a 20,000 square foot building. It doesn’t matter how big the space is for heating and cooling, homeowners and business owners both want to save money by running efficient and reliable heating and cooling equipment. Our Buffalo HVAC company can’t help with that task.


central air conditioning tune-up Buffalo NY

The ductless heaters keep us warm and toasty

My wife and I moved to Buffalo, New York, so she could take a job working at one of the biggest industry businesses in the whole state.

The job came with a huge pay raise, company car, and an expense account.

It was easily the best job that my wife had ever been offered and I knew that she wanted to take it. Buffalo, New York, has a much different atmosphere than the city where we were previously located. My wife and I were living down south with extremely hot and humid Summers and mild, warm winters. The weather in Buffalo, New York, is much different. Winters are cold and icy with more than 100 in of snow accumulating each and every year. When my wife and I were looking for a house to rent, one thing that stuck out in our mind was having to deal with the cold temperatures that we were not going to be accustomed to experiencing. We found an old farmhouse with ductless heating. There was a single mini split system with five separate ductless heaters throughout the place. When my wife and I looked at the place, it was about 40° outside. It felt very warm and toasty indoors. We knew that that house was right for us when we saw the fireplace. Dual heating systems are something that can be very useful when you live in a cold climate with lots of snow. If the furnace breaks down, we can always rely on wood to heat most of our home. It’s not ideal, but it would get us through until morning.

central air conditioning tune-up Buffalo NY

I missed my appointment in Fort Collins, CO

Thursday afternoon I was supposed to help a customer with a ductless AC repair in Fort Collins, colorado.

I knew that the customer was expecting me between 2:00 and 4:00, but I was running way behind schedule.

Earlier that morning I had a repair about 45 minutes from Fort Collins, Colorado, and I got stuck in traffic on my way there. The repair took a lot longer than I expected and I had to run all over the city to look for parts. At 2:30 in the afternoon, I decided to contact the customer to let her know that I was not likely to make it there before 4:00. The customer didn’t seem to mind that I was going to be late and said she would be home until 6:00 p.m. when she had to leave for work. I honestly tried my best to get to the appointment. I left around 3:45 and I was hoping I would get there by 5:00. I got stuck in traffic and completely missed the appointment in Fort Collins, Colorado. When I contacted the customer, she had already left to go to work. I had to reschedule the ductless AC repair for the next morning. I made sure that the customer was the first person on the schedule and we were there at 7:30 in the morning waiting for her to finish up with work and come home. Our heating, AC, and ventilation company does our best to provide the most positive customer experience in the city. It’s why we remain number one.

ductless heat pump replacement Fort Collins CO

The new furnace is more energy efficient than the last one

It’s really important to have a furnace that is running at optimum condition.

A furnace that is efficient will run safely, quietly, and effectively.

My wife and I noticed some strange sounds coming from our furnace and we thought it was probably time to have the machine checked. We had the machine installed by an Elgin heating company nearly a decade ago. The Elgin heating company has been closed for several years, so we decided to contact a new company in town with excellent reviews and customer service and prices. The company sent a board certified furnace repair technician to inspect and diagnose the problems with the system. The noise was actually a loose piece of metal that was inside of the ductwork. After cleaning the burners and the pilot light, there was no buildup at all on the furnace and it seemed to be working just fine. The Elgin heating company and service provider suggested we think about replacing the furnace next season, but there was no reason for us to worry about replacement this season unless we wanted to upgrade to something that was more energy efficient. The heating company and service provider left me a card. My wife and I discussed a new furnace and both of us agreed that it would be better to have the new furnace installed now then spend the entire winter paying more money for the heating bills. If we were going to need a new furnace then we might as well go ahead and get one now that is even more energy efficient than the last one.



ac company Elgin IL