I missed my appointment in Fort Collins, CO

Thursday afternoon I was supposed to help a customer with a ductless AC repair in Fort Collins, colorado.

I knew that the customer was expecting me between 2:00 and 4:00, but I was running way behind schedule.

Earlier that morning I had a repair about 45 minutes from Fort Collins, Colorado, and I got stuck in traffic on my way there. The repair took a lot longer than I expected and I had to run all over the city to look for parts. At 2:30 in the afternoon, I decided to contact the customer to let her know that I was not likely to make it there before 4:00. The customer didn’t seem to mind that I was going to be late and said she would be home until 6:00 p.m. when she had to leave for work. I honestly tried my best to get to the appointment. I left around 3:45 and I was hoping I would get there by 5:00. I got stuck in traffic and completely missed the appointment in Fort Collins, Colorado. When I contacted the customer, she had already left to go to work. I had to reschedule the ductless AC repair for the next morning. I made sure that the customer was the first person on the schedule and we were there at 7:30 in the morning waiting for her to finish up with work and come home. Our heating, AC, and ventilation company does our best to provide the most positive customer experience in the city. It’s why we remain number one.

ductless heat pump replacement Fort Collins CO