The new furnace is more energy efficient than the last one

It’s really important to have a furnace that is running at optimum condition.

A furnace that is efficient will run safely, quietly, and effectively.

My wife and I noticed some strange sounds coming from our furnace and we thought it was probably time to have the machine checked. We had the machine installed by an Elgin heating company nearly a decade ago. The Elgin heating company has been closed for several years, so we decided to contact a new company in town with excellent reviews and customer service and prices. The company sent a board certified furnace repair technician to inspect and diagnose the problems with the system. The noise was actually a loose piece of metal that was inside of the ductwork. After cleaning the burners and the pilot light, there was no buildup at all on the furnace and it seemed to be working just fine. The Elgin heating company and service provider suggested we think about replacing the furnace next season, but there was no reason for us to worry about replacement this season unless we wanted to upgrade to something that was more energy efficient. The heating company and service provider left me a card. My wife and I discussed a new furnace and both of us agreed that it would be better to have the new furnace installed now then spend the entire winter paying more money for the heating bills. If we were going to need a new furnace then we might as well go ahead and get one now that is even more energy efficient than the last one.



ac company Elgin IL