
I spent the biggest part of the morning in The Villages

I had Saturday plus Thursday off work plus I decided to go fishing with some friends, however i got a sunburn on Saturday plus I was happy that I didn’t have to go back to work on Thursday. I tried to rest plus relax as much as possible so my skin had a chance to heal! On Sunday I was hoping that my boss would provide me an easy schedule, however I had to spend the entire morning in The Villages installing a residential heat pump plus A/C system… My boss was supposed to send a second professional with me to help with the residential heat pump plus A/C system replacement task, and when I left the office early in the morning on Sunday, my boss told me that Tony was going to join me that afternoon when I was getting to the replacement part of the project. I knew it was going to take all morning even if Tony came to help in the afternoon, however at lunch time, my boss called plus told me I should take an hour split plus grab something to eat because Tony was running late. When I came back from lunch, the boss told me that Tony was not going to be able to help with the heat pump plus A/C system replacement task in The Villages. I had to complete all of the work on my own plus I did not get done with the task until 7:00 p.m. My whole body was aching plus in pain by the time I was done. I had to keep lifting my arms plus moving my legs plus it was positively awful.



heating installation The Villages Florida

The a/c inside an RV is no match for Birmingham’s heat

On the actually overheated days, the cooling system barely kept us cool at night

At the beginning of the pandemic, my hubby decided that she wanted to take the family camping; So, she rented an RV that was big enough for a family of 4, but i grew up in a big neighborhood but moved to Birmingham about 20 years ago. So camping is not something that I am used to doing or even enjoy, but plus, I don’t like being outdoors in the elements, especially during the Summer months, when the weather is overheated plus humid, but on average the temperature in the Summer will rise into the 90s plus the humidity levels are normally high as well, and trust me, it’s not pleasant, but thankfully, I have superb a/c at home to find relief from the heat, and speaking of a/c, prior to renting the RV, I asked my hubby if the RV has a/c because if I am going to be out in the woods, I need to sleep comfortably! She assured me that the built-in cooling system would be sufficient to keep us cool while my superb friend and I camped. If everything went well with camping, the goal was to invest in our own RV; Well, camping went ok, but the a/c was not the best. On the actually overheated days, the cooling system barely kept us cool at night. The saving grace was that my hubby purchased a fan for the rest of the time my superb friend and I spent camping… Because of the camping experience, my superb friend and I have yet to purchase our own RV, but the idea is not completely off the table because there are some actually superb campsites near Birmingham that my superb friend and I would like to explore.


ac contractor Birmingham Alabama

Changed mindset to an IL winter

I used to be all about the summer, but when I lived in FL everything was about the heat; I owned a bunch of bathing suits since I was basically in a swim top 24/7. There were mornings I couldn’t be outside due to the extreme heat. The winter time was the best time to get outside work done. Then my partner had to move us due to a promotion… My buddy and I moved just outside of Chicago to Glenview IL. The summer time season was a pleasant warmth. I certainly didn’t even run the air conditoneri n the house. It just wasn’t that boiling or humid that it gets in FL, then once winter time came around I realized that was the tploy issue of living in IL. The furnace just didn’t cut it. I was freezing frosty all the time. I bought a bunch of space boilers plus still froze. In order to be happy in my area, I needed to be warm. I also need to switch gears. I was all about heat plus summertime… Now I need to be a winter time gal. I changed my whole wardrobe to winter time gear. I joined a local hockey league plus ski team. I also invested in a better heating system for our home. My partner plus I have a boiler system that has piping linked to it. The pipes then are all throughout the floors. The boiling water then heats the floorboards. It is silent, efficient plus it feels so good. I still haven’t adjusted to IL frosty weather, but I feel much better about my situation.


central ac repair Glenview Illinois

The land of ‘10000’ lakes

Are you a lake lover and are seeking anywhere new to visit? A trip to Minneapolis must feature in your tote list; Why? Because this is a part of the country that thrives on lake culture, but in fact, you’ll be enthusiastic to discover that Minneapolis has 10 amazing lakes that visitors can go and enjoy… But, make sure to plan your fun morning or exploration at a time when the weather is favorable, the lake-scene comes alive while in Summer when it’s charming and sizzling outside.

At this time, uneven temperatures rise so the residents have to use a/c to remain comfortable in their homes.

But, you can still go exploring and discover the amazing scenes around Minneapolis, MA; Lake Calhoun is one of the biggest attractions for families and adventure seekers in the city. It’s the biggest lake in Minneapolis and visitors are permitted to access the water. There, you can relax at the shore, swim, paddle board, and enjoy a variety of other water activities. And, if you are a fan of fishing, don’t forget to bring your fishing lines, hooks and bait. Folks head to the lake to fish and have fun with friends and family. There might be crowds so it’s best to get there bright and early. If not, check out the other lakes around Minneapolis where visitors and locals gather for picnics and other fantastic activities. Would you cherish to go to the lakes while in winter? That’s also okay and you might be lucky to find folks there playing some hockey, however so, don’t forget to carry your gear and have a blast.

heating and cooling Minneapolis Minnesota