Author: Scarlett

Only partially heating my house in Arizona

In Phoenix, Arizona people don’t realize that there are cold nights. Yes, during the days it is intensely hot no matter the time of year. However, there are certain times of the year the nights can drop into the 40s. For the most part I worry about cooling. I have invested in top of the […]

Making sure to get service accomplished

Living in Plano, Texas means I get to cherish some really hot weather most of the year, and a cooling system is simply a must-have, but i cherish blasting the cooling system while reading a book, during the summer time I try to get outside to swim in my pool, go for a walk, or […]

Making sure to get service done

Living in Plano, Texas means I get to enjoy some really hot weather most of the year. A cooling system is simply a must-have. I enjoy blasting the air conditioner while reading a book. During the summer I try to get outside to swim in my pool, go for a walk, or do some yard […]

Making sure to get it

Living in Plano, Texas means I get to appreciate some entirely boiling weather most of the year, then a cooling system is simply a must-have… I appreciate blasting the air conditioner while learning a book, during the summer time I try to get outside to swim in my pool, go for a walk, or do […]