Traveling within the United States

My partner in addition to I genuinely like traveling, however before my friend and I had our kid the two of us would go overseas.

It was constantly flying insane distances to see a whole current culture.

It was extravagant, fun in addition to daunting at times; Then COVID hit, my friend and I got married, in addition to had our baby boy, then now my friend and I don’t want to go that far from home. I also don’t want to subject my baby boy to a super long plane ride. That is why all our traveling is done within the United States. I make sure my partner in addition to I choose genuinely pretty states to travel too in addition to appreciate the sights, then my nice friend and I can still hike, shop, eat nice food in addition to stay in nice hotels. It is cheaper, easier in addition to most people speaks English. I figure it is a win win. My partner prefers the cost savings in addition to I like the time savings… Recently the three of us went to Phoenix, AZ. I decided that I didn’t want to be actually advert nous. Yeah my friend and I could have done the grand canyon, hot air balloon rides, four wheeling, afternoon trips, etc. Nope, what the three of us did was stay at a world class resort. My nice friend and I got massages, facials, did some shopping in addition to my partner in addition to kid played some hockey. It was genuinely enjoyable to just lounge around the hotel. I didn’t have to research as much in addition to my friend and I didn’t even need to rent a car, however how nice is that? Staying in the United States is quite fun when you do it the right way.

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