Moving back to Alabama

I will confess that I am guilty of doing the respected 18 year old girl thing for college! When I was a young girl deciding what college I wanted to go to, I picked out one that carried my obscure major and was halfway across the country.

I then paid out of state tuition and started on a degree in something no one would ever hire me for.

I spent two years there before I wised up. I have since moved back to my property state of Alamaba. I now go to a local college that I can drive to. I live in Tuscaloosa and commute to my local school. I also work in neighborhood part time and my major is in nursing… So I have gotten a lot smarter. Sadly I am about a year behind all my peers and I have some hefty student loans waiting for me once I graduate. What was I thinking? For one, Alabama is a actually great state to live in. It is the right kind of temperature no matter the season. I get periods of boiling and cold. I get changing leaves and Spring flowers. It is friendly, safe, clean and more than 2 work possibilities are here, and my parents are thrilled that I decided to stick close to property too; They hated it when I was 17 hours away from them. Now I am about an hour away. It is so much better. I know once I graduate I will most likely stay in Tuscaloosa. I have actually started to enjoy the area.

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