The pigskin game went into overtime plus I was late

I consistently have Sunday nights off… I work for a heating plus AC maintenance business in St; Petersburg, FL.

I live halfway between St.

Petersburg plus Tampa, my friends plus I went to a pigskin game at the Tampa Bay stadium… The game was held last Sunday night plus it was a close game throughout all four quarters, no one was surprised when the game went into overtime. The 8:00 game didn’t end until midnight plus then it took an hour for me to get home. Traffic was truly horrible… Everyone stayed until the end of the game because the score was so close plus it was a nightmare just trying to get out of the parking lot. I was supposed to get up plus go to work at the heating plus AC maintenance business in St. Petersburg FL. I set the alarm for 7:00 in the afternoon, however I must have hit the snooze button. I didn’t wake up until 9:15. My boss was calling to find out if I plan to come to work that afternoon. I could not feel that I slept that late. Even when I stay up late enjoying pigskin at home, I never sleep through my alarm. My boss those that I am never late unless there is an emergency, so he didn’t provide me a taxing time about being absent that afternoon. I had to work an hour or two later that afternoon to finish up all of the heating plus AC repairs in St. Petersburg, however I didn’t mind! After all, I got two extra hours of sleep that afternoon.
heating St Petersburg FL