We had a big get-together at Sky Zone in Lee’s Summit.

When your birthday falls in the middle of the hottest month of the year, plus you don’t feel like having a birthday picnic outside in the heat, you go to a better locale for your get-together, if you live in Lee’s Summit, MO, that better locale may possibly be Sky Zone; Sky Zone is an indoor trampoline park that caters to teenagers’ birthday parties… You must wear socks or purchase a pair when you get there, plus they encourage you to bring your own water bottle to save currency on buying drinks, although Sky Zone caters to teenagers’ birthday parties, at evening, it is open for teenagers plus adults to enjoy.

If a child is present, they must be accompanied by an adult at all times, to ensure their safety, but children are not encouraged to attend their evening sessions.

I was born in the summer, plus it was fun to play at the water park when I was a kid, but as an adult, my tastes changed. I didn’t want to be outside all afternoon. I like air conditioner, mom said I was born on the hottest afternoon of the year, plus it hasn’t gotten any cooler in mid-July, but there is air conditioner inside Sky Zone, which is a welcome relief when you’ve spent time doing flips plus jumping on the trampolines. If someone asked me what my number one thing to do is in Lee’s Summit, I would abruptly tell them it is Sky Zone! Come in for the trampolines, stay for the air conditioner, plus always have fun.


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