The flight was long, but it was cool and comfortable

My girlfriend and I took a flight to Lakeland, florida.

We were living in the midwest at the time.

I met my girlfriend when I was going to the University of Texas. The two of us started dating in our junior year and we were still dating when I took the flight to Lakeland. We went to the Lakeland international airport in Polk county. The plane ride was about 4 hours. I wasn’t looking forward to the flight at all. My girlfriend was excited, because she had never been on an airplane before. The flight was long, but it was cool and comfortable. The whole way to Lakeland, the air conditioning system and ventilation duct work was working very well. My girlfriend and I were seated next to each other and there were only two rows of seats on each side of the plane. We didn’t have to worry about sharing the aisle or the middle seat with another person. The two of us didn’t have to worry about sharing our air conditioning comfort with anyone else either. I got to use both of the air conditioning vents, because my girlfriend didn’t like the air blowing in her face. I tried to take a nap so I was refreshed when we got to Lakeland, but all I kept thinking about was how I could not wait to see my mom and dad. It had been at least 3 years since the last time I was home to visit and that was during the holidays when we didn’t have a lot of time to talk about things. I was really excited for them to meet my girlfriend too.

central air Lakeland FL