After the 2022 snowstorm my son decided to become an HVAC technician

In 2022, we had a major snowstorm in Buffalo that crippled the city for weeks.

Many residents were left without power, and some were stuck in their homes as well as their cars which resulted in some unfortunate tragedies.

Others were dealing with broken down furnaces and had no way of getting it fixed because HVAC technicians were unable to get to the residents or they had a huge backlog. My family and I experienced a power outage, but we made it out ok. We had to go a few days without heat, but thankfully, we were all safe. My son Jason was so distraught about the entire situation that he decided that he wanted to go into the service industry to help out the people in the community as much as he can. At first, I thought he wanted to become an EMT or perhaps some kind of first responder, so when he told me that he wanted to become an HVAC technician I was taken aback. I had no idea when he said that he wanted to help, that is what he had in mind. But the storm revealed that we have a shortage of HVAC techs in the area, so it would make sense that he would join the industry because it would help the community. So, Jason enrolled in school and he’s currently studying to become a certified HVAC technician. It will take him approximately 18 months to complete his classes as well as his field experience. In no time, he will be able to service the broken furnaces that the residents of Buffalo need to stay warm and comfy in our homes during those brutal Winter months.


hvac system replacement Buffalo NY