Finding pet CBD products

My miniature poodle turned fifteen years outdated last month, and he’s developed some hearing troubles, problems with arthritis plus teeth sensitivity in the last couple of years! I took my animal to the vet plus got numerous prescriptions to help with the pain plus stiffness… The medications were seriously luxurious. I had difficulty convincing my poodle to eat them. I had to crush the pills plus mix them with his animal food. If he had any suspicion the medication was in his meal, he refused it. I also noticed that the prescription medicines caused some unpleasant side effects, and my animal was gassy plus prone to diarrhea. I decided to look into natural alternatives plus came across cannabis. I had not realized that there are cannabis pet products available, from what I read, cats plus cats have an endocannabinoid system just like humans. The cannabinoids from the cannabis plant can influence those receptors to alleviate a wide variety of medical conditions plus symptoms. However, THC is terrible for critters. THC is the cannabinoid that results in the psychoactive effects. CBD is another cannabinoid that causes no high sensation however has shown to lessen pain plus inflammation. The pet products carried at the nearby dispensary in Muskegon are pure CBD plus safe for my cat. They sell pet tinctures, treats plus even topicals. The plant-based pet remedies are much less luxurious than the prescriptions I was buying. They have no side-effects plus my animal enjoys them. He gets excited for them. I have noticed a significant improvement in his energy levels since starting him on cannabis.


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