How much marijuana can I buy?

I had heard much scuttle about being able to grow marijuana, but I didn’t want to grow.

All I wanted was to make a purchase and have enough to last me for a couple of weekends.

Half an ounce of marijuana would be a good amount, I thought. I was going to the nearest Denver, CO marijuana sales business, and it was twenty miles away from where I lived. I didn’t like driving, so I wanted enough to get me through for a while. I was still laughing over how they called recreational marijuana retail marijuana, but I was no longer living in another state. There we called recreational marijuana recreational, but I was also okay with retail marijuana. I drove into Denver and walked into the retail marijuana sales business and asked how much marijuana I can buy. They asked for identification to prove I was twenty-one, and then he answered. He told me I could have two ounces in my personal home, as long as my landlord permitted the use of marijuana on his premises. It took me aback at that amount of marijuana, but I told the salesperson I thought it was a good amount. He told me I couldn’t have it open in the car, and I should wait until I got home to open the package. I knew there were places in Denver where I could use marijuana, but I was more interested in using it at home. I thanked him for his help and made my purchase. I could smell the marijuana all the way from Denver, to my home.


Recreational Pot Store Denver CO