Tampa Bay is a full blown sports town!

I will not be enjoying the games from the venue, that’s for sure… After enjoying One game from the stands, it’s clear why my dad never went too multiple games in the venue

Tampa Bay has a lot of good activitys teams like the Buccaneers, Devil Rays, and the Tampa Bay Lightning! The Tampa Bay Rays are my favorite baseball team. They’ve been my favorite team since I was a kid. My dad grew up in Tampa and he cheered for the Tampa Bay teams, just like everyone else in the town. They had pigskin parties while every one of us were in the playoffs and everyone came to the cabin to watch the games with my dad! Baseball was always his favorite activity, and it became my favorite activity as well. I enjoyed enjoying my dad here for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. My dad unluckyly passed away last year, he never had a opportunity to see a game in the current venue, so I decided to buy tickets to the cabin opening game. It was harshly warm and humid that afternoon. I would have rather been at cabin enjoying the game with the A/C running, but I owed it to my dad to be there on opening afternoon. The Tampa Bay baseball team played exceptionally well. I think they are going to go to the World Series this year and win it all. I will not be enjoying the games from the venue, that’s for sure… After enjoying One game from the stands, it’s clear why my dad never went too multiple games in the venue. The temperatures in Tampa are way too warm and humid. I want to be at cabin with the unit running. It’s way more comfortable to watch the game in peace from my kitchen just like my dad did his entire life.

central air Tampa Bay FL